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Marc Hannah

October 13, 1956
Contributions and achievements: He got his B.S degree in electrical engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology in 1977. He also got his M.S degree in 1978 from Stanford along with his PhD from Stanford in 1985. He cofounded Silicon Graphic Inc, which became well known for their graphic technology and 3-D special effects. He also created many other computer programs that also served the same purpose, 3-D special effects. Some were even used in popular movies such as Jurassic Park and Aladdin.Throughout his life, he made the cost of 3-D graphics decrease from $30,000 to $10,000. He also was part of many other small businesses and was even a part of a few of their boards, which gave him a lot of influence.

Marc Hannah

Raj Reddy

Born: June 13, 1937
Achievements and Contributions: He revieved his bachelor's degree from Guindy College of Engineering. Master's degree from University of New South Wales. Master's degree and doctorate degree from Stanford University. He is most known for his work in speech recognition, image processing, and face recognition. He was also the first Indian to recieve a Turing Award, but he also received many other awards for all of his contributions. Some of the other contributions include founded the Robotics Institute and he became a professor for 50 years, teaching computer science at many different universities. He also cofound the American Association of Artificial Intelligence.

Raj Reddy

Philip Don Estridge

Born: June 23, 1937
Achievements and Contributions: For college, Don Estridge went to the University of Florida, completing a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering during his time there. Phillip Don Estridge was the leader in the development of the original IBM Personal Computers. These were computers made for personal use, at a lower price. Around 1980, in Boca Raton, Florida, was here he started leading the IBM PC division. Starting out with a mere 14 employees, it took him only 5 years to grow to more than 10,000 employees, as well as reaching annual salaries of $4.5 billion. He also published the specifications of IBM PC's, allowing a popular aftermarket hardware business to make use of the motherboards in their PC's. Decided to use outside software and parts to construct the PC, compared to IBM's normal policies to using company made software/parts.

Philip Don Estridge